Web Crossing and SGML
a SGML Import File
SGML stands for "Standardized General Markup Language," and is used by government, industry and cross-platform developers as a widely-applicable text markup language. SGML is a method of tagging structural units within documents, similar to HTML and XML. In fact, HTML is an SGML application. A SGML application consists of a DTD (Document Type Definition) and a set of processing conventions. For example, an anthology of quotes might be tagged in this way:
<author>Groucho Marx</author>
<body>I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.</body>
<author>Jo Godwin</author>
<body>A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone.</Body>
<author>Mark Twain</author>
<body>The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.</Body>
How the quotes were actually displayed would depend on how the tags were defined. The author might be a certain font face and size text; the body might be another.
Web Crossing uses SGML as a format for import and export of messages, discussions, and folders. It's much easier to see and follow the SGML format if you turn off word wrap in your text editor while viewing these files.
The Web Crossing <folder> tag includes a number of attributes including the name, the author, the unique ID, the creation date, the sort sequence, the heading (description), and more. The <folder> tag is closed with a corresponding </folder> tag which encloses any discussions (and thus messages) within it.
A <discussion> tag includes attributes similar to the folder tag: Title, creation date, author, unique ID, heading, sort sequence, etc. It is bounded by a </discussion> tag and encloses any messages within that discussion.
A <message> tag includes the uniqueID of the author, date, body, etc. There is no corresponding </message> tag - the contents of the message are included as attributes within the single <message... > tag.
Here is an example of an SGML export of a simple Web Crossing folder containing two discussions, each with a message or two, so you can see the format in action.
<folder name="This is a demo folder,
to show SGML format."
date=11/21/1999.13:48:06 created=11/21/1999.13:46:36 author=000102FB
unique=0EE6B2AC flags=001B0001 inherits=FE1FF800 sortSeq=100000
heading="This is the heading, or description,
of the demo folder."
<discussion title="This
is demo discussion #1" date=11/21/1999.13:47:33
created=11/21/1999.13:47:03 flags=001B0401 inherits=FE1FF800
author=000102FB unique=0EE6B2AE sortSeq=0 from="" to=""
itemSource="http" template="" heading="This is the description
of demo discussion #1.">
author=000102FB date=11/21/1999.13:47:16 content-type=
from="" to="" itemSource="http" body="This is a test message
in demo discussion #1.">
author=000102FB date=11/21/1999.13:47:33 content-type=
from="" to="" itemSource="http" body="This is a second message
in demo discussion #1.">
<discussion title="This
is demo discussion #2." date=11/21/1999.13:48:06
created=11/21/1999.13:47:54 flags=001B0401 inherits=FE1FF800
author=000102FB unique=0EE6B2B0 sortSeq=0 from="" to="" itemSource="http"
template="" heading="This is the description, or heading, to demo
discussion #2.">
author=000102FB date=11/21/1999.13:48:06 content-type= from="" to=""
itemSource="http" body="This is the only message inside demo discussion
Creating an SGML import file for Web Crossing isn't necessarily all that complicated, however. Try putting the following code into a text file and importing it:
<folder name="New Area" heading="A brand new start!">
<discussion title="The Weather" heading="Everybody's talking
about it">
<discussion title="Current Events" heading="What's in the news?">
<folder name="More Stuff" heading="Misc Discussions">
This results in a folder with this hierarchy:
New Area
-- Discussion: The Weather
-- Discussion: Current Events
-- Folder: More Stuff
Nearly all of the properties default to reasonable values if they're not included, so it's not absolutely necessary to include them in your import file.
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