(") and single-quotes (') serve different purposes in WCTL and WCJS.
In WCJS, double-quotes
and single-quotes are used interchangeably, as long as they are used in pairs.
For example, the following are both equivalent:
a = "Web Crossing rocks!";
var a = 'Web Crossing rocks!';
In WCJS if you
want to embed a double-quote inside a character string, the easiest thing to
do is simply enclose the string in single-quotes. Experienced JavaScript programmers
do this all the time for creating strings with embedded HTML tags, as in:
msg = '<img src="file.gif">';
In WCTL you would
embed a double-quote in a character string by using two double-quotes. That
is, the string """" contains one double quote. The equivalent
HTML tag saved in WCTL would look like:
set msg "<img src=""file.gif"">" %%
In WCTL double-quotes
are used to quote character strings and single-quotes are used to quote single
characters, which are considered fundamentally to be different.
That is, in WCJS
the express 'A' == "A" is true but in WCTL 'A' ==
"A" is false. In WCJS they are the same string, but in
WCTL 'A' is a character and "A" is a string containing one character.
In WCTL you can
get the character code for a character with an expression like:
'A' %%
which outputs 65,
the ASCII code for the character A.
You can also get
the character code quite easily in WCJS, using the String.charCodeAt() method, which returns the Unicode value (an integer between 0 and 65535). For
example, the following expression:
"'A'.charCodeAt(0)".jsEval %%
also outputs 65.