Web Crossing Unix Upgrade Installation Instructions
For assistance:
Web Crossing(R) is a conferencing server for the intranet/extranet and
Worldwide Web.
See the release notes in "Images/sysnotes.htm" for important info on
finalizing the installation.
To upgrade Web Crossing on a Unix server:
- Login to Web Crossing as sysop from your browser, and do a backup.
Wait until the backup is complete and Web Crossing is responding.
- Shut down your Web Crossing server with 'make quit'. Verify that it
has shut down with 'ps -axu | grep webx' (on BSD-derived Unix systems,
such as BSDI) or 'ps -ef | grep webx' (on System V-derived Unix systems,
such as Solaris). If this command shows more than the "grep webx"
process, you must wait a few seconds and try again, repeating this process untill
all webx processes have exited.
- Uncompress the installer file with 'uncompress (filename)'.
- Unpack the resulting tar file with 'tar -xvf (filename)'. This will
create a new directory called "webx", or replace appropriate items in
your original webx directory, depending on where the tar file is
located when you unpack it. Either result is fine.
- If a new webx directory was created, move its contents to your original
webx directory with 'mv (unpack dir)/webx/* (your webx dir)'.
- Change to your webx directory with 'cd (your webx dir)' so you can
move the new help and image files to the appropriate directories.
- The Images directory contains the new help files for this release
of Web Crossing. Move these files to your current Images directory,
replacing the existing files of the same name. For example, if your
Images directory is /usr/local/www/docs/Images, you would use
'mv Images/*.html /usr/local/www/docs/Images'. If you've used the
Control Panel option to keep the help files in a directory other than
the Images directory, move them to the appropriate directory.
- The Images directory contains all the GIF files necessary for
default operation of Web Crossing. If your site uses customized buttons
and other images, do not move these files to replace your existing
images. Otherwise, move them to your Images directory as with the
help files. Version 3.1 uses several new buttons and other graphics which
you will need to supply if your site uses customized buttons. These are:
- Once you've moved all the necessary files, start the Web Crossing server
with 'make run'.
- Depending on the version from which you upgraded, there may be a delay
while Web Crossing checks the integrity of the database and in some
cases changes the format. With a large database the delay may be
lengthy, but there is no cause for concern.
- If you have previously included the webxmsg.tpl file in your webx.tpl file
you should remove it. The functionality provided by webxmsg.tpl is now
built into Web Crossing, and the inclusion of the webxmsg.tpl file can
prevent certain features from working properly.
- By default, bookmarks and the new toolbar are turned on. You can turn
these off through the sysop Other Settings panel. We recommend running
with both of these on, but it is a change to the existing user interface.
- By default, indexed searching is off for an upgrade. You can and should
turn this on through the sysop General Settings panel, and also turn on
the top-level and nested-level search buttons. The indexing takes place
in the background, so you can turn this on at any time.
- By default, threaded-messages are also off. You can enable these and set
defaults in the sysop Discussions panel. Settings for specific
areas/discussions are in Add/Edit folder and Edit Discussion, and
users can change their preferences for this as well.
- Before you can use the email feature, a domain name server (DNS) IP
address must be entered at the bottom of the sysop General Settings panel
- To turn on dual-mode newsgroup access, see the sysop Newsreader access
panel, and also use Edit Folder to give each folder a newsgroup name.
- To mirror an external email list, provide a DNS IP address as above, and
use Edit Folder to configure the mailing list mirror.
- Note that if your site is using a webx.tpl file, then the addFolder,
editFolder, editDiscussion, editPreferences, editedPrefences, and/or
messageListItem macros need to be copied from the new standard.tpl, and
edited to fit into the site. These macros manage the newsgroup and e-mail
mirror, and control threaded message display.
- The webxextn.tpl file must be present in the same directory as webx.db
in order for everything to work
- The webxButtons.cfg file must be present in the same directory as webx.db
in order for the quick-configuration form to work
- Execute webx-install (./webx-install) to install the new cgi module
Copyright 1999-2002 by Lundeen & Associates, Alameda, California
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