Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I customize the top level page?

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Created On: 12 Dec 1997 6:14 pm
Last Edited: 22 Mar 2005 1:15 pm

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It is a useful customization tool to turn off Web Crossing's display of the top level page and provide their own display.


Here is some nearly-generic top level page item template code that closely resembles the default Web Crossing top level display for earlier versions. The ".ee6b2aa" is the internal Web Crossing ID for a folder; you get it by going into that folder and copying that part of the URL from your browser. Then just change "Top Level Folder A" to the appropriate text and change topic.gif if you're using a different graphic. The image sizes (%% pictSizeButton %%) are important for optimum performance, and I encourage everyone to be a good net citizen and use an "alt" for graphics.

For more recent versions of Web Crossing, you can also place an index.html or index.htm HTML page of your creation at the top of the site (physically this would be placed at the top of the "HTML" directory). If an index.htm(l) file exists in any folder (be it the top of the site or a subfolder), that HTML page will be displayed by default just like in a traditional web server.

<a href="%%urlBase%%14@%% certificate %%@.ee6b2aa">
<img align=bottom border=0 src="%%siteImages%%%/topic.gif" alt= " [F] " %% pictSizeButton %%>
<b>  Top Level Folder A</b> <font size=2>
(%%setPath .ee6b2aa%% %%pathFolderCount %% folders, %%pathDiscussionCount%% discussions)