Spell Check

Enabling Spell Check
How Spellcheck Works
Editing the Dictionary
Personal Spelling Words

Enabling Spell Check

To enable checking of spelling in messages and discussion descriptions, turn on the checkbox in the Control Panel > General settings > Spell Check. This causes a Check Spelling button to appear next to the Post button in post message forms and add discussion forms.

Figure 1 - Screenshot from Spell Check area of Control Panel

Spell Check pane from Control Panel

How Spell Check Works

When the user clicks on Check Spelling, Web Crossing checks for misspelled words. If none are found, the post is processed normally. If words are found which are not in Web Crossing's dictionary, the user sees a spell check page with the misspelled words highlighted in red and some logical choices supplied in a popup menu. The word choice Web Crossing thinks is most logical is placed in the default position.

Figure 2 - Spell Check Page

Spelling Check page

Figure 3 - Spell Check Page with popup menu shown

Spell check page with popup menu

Figure 4 - Spell Check Page with "spelling" chosen as the correct version.

Spell check page with correct word chosen

Figure 5 - Final post with corrected word.

Corrected Word

The user selects the correct word from the popup menu, or selects From text box: and types in the replacement word. If the user selects the same spelling as the original, the word is considered to be "Ignored" and it is added to Web Crossing's list of ignored words. This list can be used to build a new spell check dictionary.

Clicking Post will post the message; clicking Check Spelling will check for further errors. Edit allows the user to edit the post directly without the Check Spelling interface.

Personal Spelling Words

Under Preferences, each user can specify a number of personal spelling words which will not be flagged by the Web Crossing spell checker.

Editing the Dictionary

It's possible for the sysop to edit the default dictionary supplied with Web Crossing.

  1. Go to the Control Panel > General settings > Spell Check (see screenshot above) and click Export Site Dictionary to wordList.
  2. A text box will appear, filled with words the users have ignored. Unless you edit this list and remove the ignored words from the list, they will become part of the wordList file.
  3. When you have edited the file as you wish, click OK.
  4. The wordList file will be filled with words from the dictionary plus the ignored words you retained. Go back to the Control Panel and click Convert wordList to a new site dictionary.
  5. Your new wordList file will be imported into Web Crossing to serve as the new site dictionary.


Sysop Documentation

Sysop Control Panel