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How do I set up a Hosted Chat?

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Created On: 30 Sep 1999 7:59 am
Last Edited: 22 Oct 1999 12:27 pm

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How do I set up a hosted (moderated) chat where the host can approve messages to be sent the chat room?


See below an example macro "questionchat.tpl".

"question.tpl" macro is an example of a 3 room monitored host/audience chat. It uses the latest chat applet, v1.4.5, which has some capability of having a "Ask Question" button that can forward the question to a live monitor room. Once there, the monitor can simply click on the message and it gets copied into the message are where they can modify the question and then just hit return. It then gets forwarded to the Host.

This macro is provided as a courtesy. Use of this macro may require modification for use on your site. Support does not debug or author customer macros.

<!--  Moderated Audience Participation with Automatic Question Button
	These macros are designed for a 3 room Hosted/Moderated chat session:  Audience, Backstage, and Stage.
	Audience Room -- Allows full participation and chat among the audience and read-only display of the Host/Interview chat session at the same time.  The audience can ask questions of the Host by selecting a button and typing their question.  This question is automatically forwarded to the Moderator in the Backstage room.

	Backstage Room -- Receives questions from the Audience and forwards relevant / modified questions to the Stage room for answer by the Host/Interviewer.  Clicking on a question in the chat stream copies the question to the message input area for modification.  It can then be sent to the Stage Room automatically.

	Stage Room -- Receives pre-moderated messages/questions from the Backstage room and allows the Host and Interviewer exclusive rights to chat.  Their chat stream is publically viewable by the audience.

Setup:   ****** This macro will only work with the WBChat applet version 1.4.5 and greater. *****
	1)  Create 3 rooms in your Web Crossing Database as follows:  
			Audience - 	Allow anonymous, 				Chat Room Template:		Audience
			BackStage - Don't Allow Anonymous, 	Chat Room Template:		BackStage
			Stage - 		Don't Allow Anonymous, 	Chat Room Template:		Stage
	2)  Edit the macro in this file called:  setChatRoomVars to correspond to the chat room
			numbers that were created in step 1.  These numbers can be seen by looking  at the 		
			URL's to enter the room.  They are typically a 6 digit number beginning with a '.' 
			like:  .ee6b2ac
	3)  Edit the 3 macros, Audience, BackStage, and Stage as you wish, adding HTML or 
			additional chat parameters to suit your particular situation.
	4)  Copy this file of macros into your existing "webx.tpl" file

	5)  Edit the access rights for the various rooms as appropriate.
			Stage - This room should be limited access for the regular audience and full access for the 	
				User											Access Rights
				----------------------		----------------
				Host/Guest/Interviewer		Host
				sysop											Host
				Registered Users					Read-Only
				Guests										Read-Only
			Audience - This room should be open to everyone as necessary
				User											Access Rights
				----------------------		----------------
				Host/Guest/Interviewer		Host
				sysop											Host
				Registered Users					Participant
				Guests										Participant
			Backstage - This room should be closed to everyone except the moderator/host
				User											Access Rights
				----------------------		----------------
				Host/Guest/Interviewer		Host
				sysop											Host
				Moderator									Host
				Registered Users					No Access
				Guests										No Accesssysop
	6)	Edit the Audience room (NOT the BackStage Room) to make the Stage room the main room.  This is done
			by editing the Rooms and adding the room ID in the "Main Room for this table" box.  In this 
			example, that would be ".ee6eca3".
	7)  "Reset file cache for HTML files and webx.tpl templates" in the Sysop Control Panel
	8)  Test all of the rooms and have enough people in the Audience to force an overflow room to make sure
			that you have all of the permissions set correctly.
	9)  Have fun!!!

%% macro setChatRoomVars %%
%%	set AudienceRoom 		".ee6e943" %%
%%	set BackStageRoom 	".ee6ed05" %%
%%	set StageRoom 			".ee6eca3" %%
%% endmacro %%

%% macro displayChatVars %%
%% use setChatRoomVars %%
Audience Room = %% AudienceRoom %%<br>
BackStageRoom = %% BackStageRoom %%<br>
StageRoom = %% StageRoom %%<br>
%% endmacro %%

<!------------------- Audience ---------------------------->
<!-- This is the macro for the Audience room.  All questions are forwarded to the Backstage
			room automatically for moderation.  -->
%% macro Audience %%
%% use setChatRoomVars %%
<!-- Page produced by %% programName %%(r)/%% platform %%-%% version %% (%% programPromo %%) for %% siteLicensee %%-->
<!-- User interface (c)Copyright 1995-1998 by Lundeen & Associates. All rights reserved.-->
<title>%% siteTitle %% - Chat Room %% pathTitle %%</title></HEAD>
<body %% background %%>%% preparedFor %%%% banner %%
%% pathStandardHeading %%
<br>This room is the Audience room in which questions can be asked.  Questions sent from this room are forwarded to the Backstage room for moderation<br>
%% if enterRoom( chatTextGroup ) %%
	<applet codebase="%% roomCodebase %%" code=WBChat width=500 height=250>
	<param name=handle value=%% roomHandle %%>
	<param name=ip value=%% roomIp %%>
	<param name=port value=%% roomPort %%>
	<param name=name value="%% userName %%">
	<param name=cabbase value="">
	<param name=membersWidth value=120>
	<param name=HTTPChat value=1>
	<param name=ChatDebug value=3>
	<param name=questionRoom value=%% BackStageRoom %%> <!-- Forward Questions to this room -->
	%% if pathHasTables %%
		<param name=tablesHeight value=72>
	%% endif %%
	%% if clientIsWindows %%
		<param name=fontSize value=12>
	%% endif %%
	%% if pathIsAnonymous %%
		<param name=anonymous value=1>
	%% endif %%
	%% if !userCanAddMessages %%
		<param name=readonly value=1>
	%% endif %%
	You must be running a Java-enabled browser to enter a chat room.
%% else %%
	<b>Could not enter the chat room: </b>%% roomError %%
%% endif %%
Use the <tt>Back</tt> button in your browser to leave the chat room.
%% footer %%</BODY></HTML>
%% endmacro %%

<!------------------- BackStage ---------------------------->
%% macro BackStage %%
%% use setChatRoomVars %%
<!-- Page produced by %% programName %%(r)/%% platform %%-%% version %% (%% programPromo %%) for %% siteLicensee %%-->
<!-- User interface (c)Copyright 1995-1998 by Lundeen & Associates. All rights reserved.-->
<title>%% siteTitle %% - Chat Room %% pathTitle %%</title></HEAD>
<body %% background %%>%% preparedFor %%%% banner %%
%% pathStandardHeading %%
<br>This room is the Backstage room to which questions are forwarded.  Messages sent from this room are "forwarded" to the Stage Room.<br>
%% if enterRoom( chatTextGroup ) %%
	<applet codebase="%% roomCodebase %%" code=WBChat width=500 height=250>
	<param name=handle value=%% roomHandle %%>
	<param name=ip value=%% roomIp %%>
	<param name=port value=%% roomPort %%>
	<param name=name value="%% userName %%">
	<param name=cabbase value="">
	<param name=membersWidth value=120>
	<param name=ChatDebug value=3>
	<param name=HTTPChat value=1>
	<param name=CopyText value=1>
	<param name=forwardToRoom value="%% StageRoom %%"><-- Moderated Questions are forwarded to the Stage -->
	%% if pathHasTables %%
		<param name=tablesHeight value=72>
	%% endif %%
	%% if clientIsWindows %%
		<param name=fontSize value=12>
	%% endif %%
	%% if pathIsAnonymous %%
		<param name=anonymous value=1>
	%% endif %%
	%% if !userCanAddMessages %%
		<param name=readonly value=1>
	%% endif %%
	You must be running a Java-enabled browser to enter a chat room.
%% else %%
	<b>Could not enter the chat room: </b>%% roomError %%
%% endif %%
Use the <tt>Back</tt> button in your browser to leave the chat room.
%% footer %%</BODY></HTML>
%% endmacro %%

<!------------------- Stage ---------------------------->
%% macro Stage %%
%% use setChatRoomVars %%
<!-- Page produced by %% programName %%(r)/%% platform %%-%% version %% (%% programPromo %%) for %% siteLicensee %%-->
<!-- User interface (c)Copyright 1995-1998 by Lundeen & Associates. All rights reserved.-->
<title>%% siteTitle %% - Chat Room %% pathTitle %%</title></HEAD>
<body %% background %%>%% preparedFor %%%% banner %%
%% pathStandardHeading %%
<br>This room is the live Stage room to which moderated questions are forwarded.  Messages sent from this room are publically visible to the audience.<br>
%% if enterRoom( chatTextGroup ) %%
	<applet codebase="%% roomCodebase %%" code=WBChat width=500 height=250>
	<param name=handle value=%% roomHandle %%>
	<param name=ip value=%% roomIp %%>
	<param name=port value=%% roomPort %%>
	<param name=name value="%% userName %%">
	<param name=cabbase value="">
	<param name=membersWidth value=120>
	<param name=HTTPChat value=1>
	<param name=broadcastMode value=1>
	%% if pathHasTables %%
		<param name=tablesHeight value=72>
	%% endif %%
	%% if clientIsWindows %%
		<param name=fontSize value=12>
	%% endif %%
	%% if pathIsAnonymous %%
		<param name=anonymous value=1>
	%% endif %%
	%% if !userCanAddMessages %%
		<param name=readonly value=1>
	%% endif %%
	You must be running a Java-enabled browser to enter a chat room.
%% else %%
	<b>Could not enter the chat room: </b>%% roomError %%
%% endif %%
Use the <tt>Back</tt> button in your browser to leave the chat room.
%% footer %%</BODY></HTML>
%% endmacro %%