Frequently Asked Questions
Jan 12, 2025 - 10:30pm
Style Sheets (V5.0+)
Customizing Your Site (Sysop Documentation)
Coding Samples
Free Code Library (at The Harbor)
Asterisks (***) Appear On My Site.
Can I change the order of messages in a discussion?
Can I make Web Crossing let me edit a Folder's Settings Immediately Upon Creation?
Can I set "outline" as the default view?
Can Web Crossing's user interface be changed to a foreign Language
Disabling Toolbar Button Rollovers
How can I change the "You have guest access to..."
How can I change the font globally?
How can I Customize the Message Center?
How can I include rotating ads using WCTL?
How can I increase the size of the message input textbox?
How can I remove the "Guest User" tag?
How do I change the order of discussions in a folder?
How do I create a folder or discussion macro
How do I customize the backpath?
How do I customize the Error Messages
How do I customize the top level page?
How do I display outline mode by default?
How do I Edit (customize) a Plugin? (5.0+)
How do I make Web Crossing properly display the Japanese character set?
How do I modify the default buttons?
How do I modify the Toolbars
How do I put navigation tools on the left of the Web Crossing screen
Resetting Cache not Showing Changes
Tabular View Sometimes Missing
WCTL, WCJS, or HTML Displayed Raw
Frequently Asked Questions Appearance