Frequently Asked Questions | Feb 10, 2025 - 04:57am |
Frequently Asked Questions Support Assistant How Do I.... Obtain Beta Versions? UNIX 
README-New Installation (UNIX)
Question |
Linux Installations.
NOTE: references to CGI and Apache remain strictly for legacy purposes. Web Crossing is only supported in Direct Web Service Mode. |
Answer |
Web Crossing Unix First-Time Installation Instructions
Web Crossing(R) is a collaboration server for the intranet/extranet and Worldwide Web.
After downloading and extracting the archive, the next step in Web Crossing installation is to run the web-install application.
1. change your current directory to the webx directory with the command
cd webx
2. Once in the webx directory you will enter the command
sudo ./webx-install
to install your Web Crossing server.
The installer will prompt you for input of several critical pieces of information.
The choice between Direct Web (HTTP) Service and CGI Interface for a Web Server
depends upon whether you already have a web server such as Apache. Most Web
Crossing sites user Direct Web Service mode because it is much more efficient,
resulting in better performance. For Direct Web Service installations, at the
prompts provide the name of your server, the IP address, and the port. If your
server just has an IP address but no name enter the IP address here and again in
the following prompt. The usual port for HTTP servers is 80; if you use a
different port you'll need to include the port number in any URLs you provide for
access to your Web Crossing instance. Some system administrators prefer to run
server applications such as Web Crossing under a user ID with limited
privileges, such as "www" or "nobody". At the prompts, enter the user ID under
which Web Crossing is to run; this can be "root" (your current user ID) if
you wish. To complete the installation process, answer "yes" when the installer
asks if you wish to run Web Crossing, and make a note of the URL at which to
access it. If you answer "no", you may later start your Web Crossing server
with the command
sudo ./make-run
To stop your Web Crossing server, enter the command
sudo ./make-quit
For CGI installation, webx-install automatically moves the "webx-cgi2" application
to the cgi-bin directory of your web server based on the path you provide. At
the prompts provide the necessary information about IP addresses and ports to
configure the CGI interface as appropriate in your situation. Given
the wide variation in server configurations it's impossible to be more specific,
but if you're installing Web Crossing as a CGI you're probably well familiar with
your server's configuration. If this sounds confusing and complicated, you're
probably better off providing a separate IP address for Web Crossing and running
it in Direct Web Service mode.
If you wish to use the plugins features while operating Web Crossing in CGI mode,
you'll need to replace the ../webx/html directory with a symbolic link to the
Web Crossing html directory inside your web server's document root. If your
document root is /home/www/docs, in the ../webx directory you would create the
symbolic link with
ln -s /home/www/docs ./html
3. Configuration and Licensing:
Configuration and licensing is done via your Web browser. Simply point your browser
to the domain or IP address of your server machine and follow the instructions.
Be sure to save your Web Crossing sysop password after you set it!