Frequently Asked Questions
Feb 13, 2025 - 05:13am
HTTP Basic And Digest Authentication
Macros and Templates
The Web Crossing Database
Exceeding License Limits Message
Free Code Library (at The Harbor)
Can I Limit the Size of Incoming Attachments?
Can the Sysop lookup Lost User Passwords?
Configuring EXPN and VRFY
Configuring Web Crossing as a Backup Email Server.
Folder Sorting Isn't Working
How can I Allow (or restrict) Access by IP Address?
How can I archive old discussions?
How can I Batch Delete Users?
How can I edit a Folder's Settings Immediately Upon Creation?
How can I move a message from one discussion to another?
How can I recover items from the "deleted" file?
How can I set up a folder to mirror an e-mail list?
How can I Set Up Password Verification for New Registrations?
How can I tell What Version and Build I Have?
How do I create a file to import users?
How do I include user variables in an import file?
How do I restrict searches to the currently accessed folder?
How do I translate the number of folders and discussion to a different language?
How does moderation work?
How many Access Groups can a user be a member of?
How to set up a "Down for system maintenance" message.
Installing a New Certificate When Locked Out
Make Tags Available While Rebuilding
My common.log file rotation is not working.
Number of objects used & Web Crossing Product Limits
Performance Issues.
Problems with "Email list and/or newsgroup" Names or Registering a New User
Removing the Moderated Message Approval Page
Resetting Cache has No Effect
Searches Return Deleted Items
Temporary vs Permanent Redirects in Web Mapping
Under what Conditions is the Cache Reset Automatically
Users Cannot Post and/or Access List reverts to Read Only.
Using favicon.ico when Multihoming Web Crossing
Using kill -9
Using robots.txt when Multihoming Web Crossing
What are Page View Equivalents?
Where to find number of objects (items) used, out of x # allowed
XML-RPC Fails Under SSL-only mode
Frequently Asked Questions Operational Questions